
Create a virtual guided course walk

A course walk with added audio and/or video can help riders to be better prepared, engage spectators and promote your coaching skills or sponsors. And it's free to create and publish! With Safe Sport protocols preventing group physical course walks Australian coach Marcia Williamson gave invaluable tips to riders in her Denman guided course walk

  • Make sure you are in a quiet place. Background noise can spoil the effect
  • Portrait photos look best if you are just taking a single photo of a fence. Video is best landscape.

Step by Step

We are assuming you have the course on our phone. If not, record the course yourself or ask the organisers to share the download link with you

Adding audio & Video

  1. Tap the fence to open it and tap Edit
  2. Make sure you know where the microphone is (usually at the bottom of your phone) and speak into it for clear recording
  3. Add audio
  4. Tap the voice memo icon to start recording
  5. Tap again to stop
  6. Don't worry if you make a mistake, simply record again and delete the voice memos you don't want
  7. Add audio
  8. At the same time you can add photos, video, fence names, striding or text comments
  9. Check the sound level of your audio or video before going to the next fence, just in case you need to rerecord. Do this by scrolling through the photos and tapping the voice memo icon
  10. Tap Save to continue to the next Fence
  11. Tap the video icon to take a video - eg. of a rider or coach striding out a combination. If they speak clearly as they walk you should also be able to capture what they say. For best results use a lapel microphone.

When you have finished

  1. upload the course again. You can create a duplicate rather than overwriting the original if you wish
  2. Make the course public
  3. Make sure you and the organiser publicises the course walk following our tips