
CrossCountry for iOS (Apple)
21 July 2020: The latest release of CrossCountry and CrossCountry Lite is 1.10.4. They fully support iOS 14.0, dark mode and iPhone X and 11 screens
Known bugs Apple apps
Cannot delete photo on a fence on iPad
Crashes the app. Workaround: airdrop the course to iPhone, delete the photo and airdrop back
Add screenshot from camera roll gives broken image icon
Workaround: Delete the broken image. Add the screenshot via the Toolkit (requires a subscription) or Contact us
Adding screenshots from camera roll is no longer supported due to IOS changes
Add video from camera roll
This affects all iPhones and iPads on iOS13 and iOS14
Workarounds: Take the video directly with CrossCountry App
Add the video via the Toolkit (requires a subscription) or Contact us if you need to add an external video
CrossCountry App is now available in French when the language of your iPhone or iPad is set to French
If you don't find your problem below report an issue
Uploading does not complete
If you are uploading a course using your toolkit account and it seems to hang, you can swipe left and cancel the upload. Then upload again
Having Trouble with Airdrop?
Airdrop allows you to share a course with another CrossCountry App user without the need for internet REALLY quickly. But if it doesnt find another Airdrop user you might need to change your airdrop settings to "Everyone" (especially if you dont have iCloud enabled). Airdrop used to be in the Control Centre on iOS10 but now its hidden Here's how to change your settings
When I have both Full CrossCountry and Lite on an iPhone 6 or iPad, a Welcome to Lite screen flashes up before courses download automatically to CrossCountry Full
Delete Lite from your device. Here's how
If you had courses in Lite you can download them again from our library to the Full app where you will see so much more information such as minute markers.
If you synch regularly with your iTunes you will need to delete it from your Mac too (as explained here)
When I start to record a course I don't see the satellite imagery
If you are out of mobile range or have mobile data turned off the imagery will not display. The course will still record as normal and the imagery will appear when you get back into range.
My satellite map background doesn't appear or disappears when I zoom right in
If you don't have mobile reception or data roaming is turned off because you are overseas you won't see the satellite map. But the app still works and you will see it as soon as you get into mobile or WiFi range. If you know you are going somewhere without mobile coverage you can open the course on wifi beforehand. This preloads the background imagery in squares. zoom in and out to load them all.
The background will disappear when you zoom right in if you are in an area for which Apple does not have high resolution satellite imagery.
I have lost my courses
iPhones are complex computers and as such, things sometimes go wrong and files are corrupted. If you receive an error message when you open CrossCountry saying your database is corrupted please follow these instructions and contact us
Here's how to backup your courses easily
Courses are not attached to emails
When you email a course, there is no attachment.
This is an email-dependent problem. It may be because your server imposes a size limit (while a course with photos is usually 3-4mb if you add videos they can be much bigger) or it may be just a random glitch. Try again. If the problem persists we recommend you create a gmail or yahoo account on your phone. They are very reliable.
I cannot hear minute markers beep
Make sure your volume is turned up. This sounds really obvious but it caught our chief tester out! Check the battery %. If it is under 20% the beep may stop working. If the problem persists you can turn your phone off and on again (you will not lose your course if you are in the middle of recording)
Try deleting the app and re-installing it. You can offload your app if you are on iOS11 or later.Otherwise you WILL lose your courses if you do this. So email any important ones to yourself first.
If this doesn't fix the problem contact us.
When I tap on a course which someone has emailed me, nothing happens.
Be patient, it may be still downloading (the email itself downloads before any attachments)
If after a couple of minutes nothing happens tap again, or kill the process and try again. If that doesn't help, reboot your iPhone/iPad.

My track wiggles
If your track has wiggles or measures longer than the official length this will not impact the accuracy of your final minute markers because the app works these out by dividing the distance you measure by the optimum time.
We have noticed that the track recorded by an iPhone X wiggsles more than a 6S. This is iPhone dependent rumoured to be due to a different GPS chip. Again if you enter the optimum time your minute markers will be corrected
If the track shoots off in completely the wrong direction you can go back with the erase button.If you have already completed recording, contact us.
Location services denied
When you first start up CrossCountry it asks for permission to use your location. Say Yes because CrossCountry must have this to create a course. If you said No by mistake, change it by going into Settings>Location Services on your iPhone and set CrossCountry to ON.
Low GPS accuracy
Some users experienced a GPS accuracy problem caused by the iOS11 operating system. This affects all GPS tracking on your iPhone or iPad including Google Maps. You will see that the blue location sphere has a large shadow around it and is not in precisely the right place. If your app is displaying e.g. 165m accuracy it will refuse to start recording a course.
This problem seems to have been fixed in iOS12 but just in case it resurfaces, take these steps
1. Reboot your phone
2. Go into settings > privacy
Turn location services off and on again
3. Make sure you are on the latest version of IOS (the iPhone/iPad operating system software) and CrossCountry App
4. Still no luck? Follow these excellent strava instructions
This is a REALLY good explanation of GPS and why and when it might not work (and what to do about it) from Strava.
If it is a satellite availability problem you will most likely find that it goes away the next day. (Sorry that's no help when you are walking your course!). If it continues report an issue
Strange things happen!
If you find the app does not work as it should e.g. you cannot save jumps or photos, please upgrade your IOS (the operating system of your iPhone) to the latest version and download the latest version of CrossCountry from the Appstore. If this doesn't fix the problem contact us.
I have a problem related to iOS, ITunes or apps in general
You are probably not the first. is very helpful but don't hesitate to contact us if you cannot resolve it.
Now you can delete an app without deleting the data
From iOS11 onwards. If you ever need to delete any app (including CrossCountry and Lite) off your phone you can now keep all your data. So your courses are all still there when you reinstall. Sometimes when something stops working (eg. you do not get the minute marker beep) deleting and reinstalling is the best way to fix the problem.
Got a problem? Check our troubleshooting tips
The latest release for both CrossCountry and Lite is 1.10 which fixes bugs and supports French Language
To report a bug or request an enhancement to CrossCountry in future versions, report an issue
For general feedback (or just to chat) email
You can reach Jose Diacono by phone on 0418 224 081 (or +61 418 224 081 if you are not calling from Australia).